Instruction & Education
Instruction & Education
In our curative education day centre, we offer a total of 168 places in three pre-school groups (ages 3-7) and 13 school-age groups (ages 6-21) for children, youths, and young adults.
In calling our groups “Islands”, we want to showcase the close connection of pedagogy, school, and therapy as a unit for the particular group.
In our “Islands”, children and youths experience togetherness and the interaction on the level of adults and individual professional groups, which is reflected in the spatial design of our Islands. And yet, we do not consider them to be separate, self-contained systems, but interconnected, enriching one another.
„No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.“ (John Donne 1572-1631)
Focus points and objectives of the curative education work
In the focus of our work is the holistic care, education and development of the children and youths in our care, which means that it is assisted by physicians, (curative) pedagogues, and therapists. We also support our children and youths in expanding their practical life skills and in the development of their social skills.
Our development concept is aimed at persons with physical-motor disabilities and is called “Münchner Tageskonzept” in literature. It can be described as a holistic development concept that considers schooling and pedagogical-therapeutic support as equally important which is reflected in the daily practice of the individual development plans.
If you are interested in a place in our curative education day care centre, please contact our curative education specialist service.
Pre-school sector
For our youngest, we currently provide 20 spaces in three groups. In the pre-school group without special education, we care for and support six children between the ages of 3 and 6 with multiple disabilities. The work there focusses on basal stimulation, acquisition of practical life skills, and personality strengthening. The two special-education nursery school groups each care for seven children ages 4 to 7, preparing them for school through play in the morning, while the afternoon is spent in the curative education centre.
The focus of the work is on the interaction of school and curative education centre with the goal to provide optimal development opportunities for the children.
School-age children
The curative education day centre for pupils takes care of children and youths attending our school for children with special needs. The facility follows the “Munich Day Concept”, which puts equal emphasis on scholastic and pedagogic-therapeutic development.
The implementation of the development plan, custom-tailored and optimally tuned to each child, spans multiple sectors and ensures that objectives are achieved more effectively and sustainably. In this environment, the development objective, which is determined together with the child, in one discipline is taken into consideration by all the other disciplines working with the child, making sure that all the individual steps lead towards the child’s overall goal.
Working Groups, Activities, Offers
Our working groups include:
- Football; practising for the Isar Cup
- Beauty
- Music
- Using digital media
- Experiencing nature
- Fitness
Open holiday offers
Support is welcome
If you are interested in supporting the open holidays and their activities, or if you know accessible facilities, hotels, or farms, please send us an email at
Information material for download
Island Visit
Professional work and new ideas benefitting the children
“As employees, we can express ourselves and initiate new projects. We always receive support. This is why a few years ago, we started to organise holiday camps for our children, removing barriers in their way and enabling them to participate more fully in society.”
Magdalena Brunner, Head of Island 10
Professional work and new ideas benefitting the children
“As employees, we can express ourselves and initiate new projects. We always receive support. This is why a few years ago, we started to organise holiday camps for our children, removing barriers in their way and enabling them to participate more fully in society.”
Magdalena Brunner, Head of Island 10