Medicine & Therapy
The goal of all the physiotherapy treatments that we offer is to achieve a maximum of independence and to minimise secondary damage. In view of this goal, our experienced therapists offer a broad range of physiotherapy interventions:
- Physical therapy on neuro-physiological basis (Bobath concept/PNF)
- Manual lymphatic drainage
- Manual therapy
- Physiotherapy with devices
- Physiotherapy in the exercise pool
- Respiratory therapy
- Thermal treatments
- Electrotherapy
- Taping
- Cranio-sacral therapy

- you are an in-house resident or attend the support facilities, or if you are an external client and have a physician’s prescription for physiotherapy, or
- your child attends the curative education day centre at the Stiftung ICP München site, Garmischer Str. 241.
We enhance our treatments with the provision of optimal therapeutic appliances, if you so wish, under the always careful eyes of the treating therapists, physicians from the medical service and MZEB as well as our affiliated orthopaedic technicians. We will not leave you alone when it comes to apply for or fit or implement the use of therapeutic appliances. Another special offer is our therapy in the exercise pool, which is offered for individuals and groups. This entirely different setting and element enables our clients to experience movement in a completely new way. In addition, we offer counselling in kinaesthesia, which supports the transitions of movements in nursing, assistance and therapy through the experience of one’s own movement capability. It goes without saying that the focus of our therapy shifts with the life stages, and this is why we consider the continuous assessment and tailoring of the therapy plans an important part of therapy.
Physiotherapy at the Stiftung ICP München
In addition to the offerings described above, physiotherapy at the Stiftung ICP München also offers modern video-assisted gait analysis, which can form the basis for gait training and provides important insights for relevant therapy planning. Furthermore, therapeutic climbing and riding are standard therapy elements at the Stiftung ICP München, often providing clients an entirely new and different experience of movement.
If you have questions regarding physiotherapy at the Stiftung ICP München, please feel free to contact:

Physiotherapy at MFZ Freimann (Burmesterstraße site) and MFZ Giesing
The accessible rooms in the therapeutic practices in our Freimann and Giesing sites are equipped with the newest technical therapy appliances, such as a Galileo, a balance trainer with computer software or a treadmill, which has a special harness to allow even clients with severe impairments to learn how to run with support. Both sites have therapy baths and weight-training rooms. The therapy bath at the MFZ Freimann has already enabled a number of clients to train for and obtain the swimmers‘ certificate, and the well-equipped weight-training room in the MFZ Giesing makes training in larger groups fun.

For questions regarding therapy at the MFZs, please contact
Physiotherapy at MFZ Freimann and MFZ Giesing

Occupational Therapy
The occupational therapy departments at the Stiftung ICP München
The departments for occupational therapy at the Stiftung ICP München and the MFZ GmbH support and foster clients of all ages who experience impairments in performing their daily activities. With our team of knowledgeable therapists and our diverse therapy offerings, we support you on your way to more independence at school, work and at home. The MFZ Giesing provides special animal-assisted therapy with our own therapy dog, Lotta. We are also a practice centre for training therapy dogs. For additional information, please refer to the occupational therapy section of the MFZ Giesing.
Our affiliates within the Stiftung ICP München offer you the following:
- Development and capability diagnostics
- Motor-function treatment
- Training for everyday life
- Perception facilitation
- Concentration and attention training
- Grapho-motor training
- Brain performance training
- Testing and tailoring assistive devices and daily living aids
- Counselling for parents and the environment

Depending on age, development status and requirements, the need for activity can be very different. A child may want to roll a ball or play cards. A student may prefer to learn how to use a wheelchair in public transit to go home after school, or an elderly lady may want to relearn how to go shopping on her own after suffering a stroke.
A client-centred way of working is very important to us and we try to accommodate the wishes for change that our clients, their families and their environment have. Treatments are open to clients living and working with us and to external clients who have a medical prescription for occupational therapy.
Let us address your wishes for activity together. If you have questions regarding occupational therapy at the Stiftung ICP München and the IKF, feel free to contact:

Occupational therapy at the MFZ Freimann (adults)
- Findings from occupational therapy
- Training for everyday life, such as training for shopping, cooking, washing and dressing
- Computer-assisted cognitive training
- Neuro-training based on Verena Schweizer, cognitive training
- Cognitive-therapeutic exercises based on Perfetti
- Occupational therapy for dementia
- Visual-perception training
- Kinaesthetics
- PNF in occupational therapy
- Hand rehabilitation/hand therapy for hemiparesis
- Functional exercises, training of fine motor skills
- Crafts and creative activities
- Heat therapy: Fango, hot roll
- Provision of assistive devices (consultation, testing, training)
- Provision of splints for the upper extremity
- Counselling of clients and their environment

If you have questions regarding the therapy practice at the MFZ Freimann, feel free to contact Sabine Kawelke, head of therapy practice

Occupational therapy at the MFZ Giesing (adults)
- Findings from occupational therapy
- Training for everyday life, such as training for shopping, cooking, washing and dressing
- Job counselling
- Therapeutic counselling and food-intake support, e.g., guided eating based on Affolter
- Computer-assisted cognitive training
- Occupational therapy for dementia
- Visual-perception training
- Kinaesthetics
- Functional exercises, training of fine motor skills
- Crafts and creative activities
- Heat therapy: Fango, hot roll
- Provision of assistive devices (consultation, testing, training)
- Provision of splints
- Counselling of clients and their environment
Areas of treatment:
- Motor-functional
- Sensomotoric-perceptive
- Neuro-psychological/brain performance training
- Psychic-functional

Animal-assisted therapy
Lotta, our therapy dog, supports our work with our clients. The in-house dog therapy usually takes place in groups with no more than four participants.
The focus is on the development of motor and cognitive skills and includes: throw balls and have the dog fetch them, throw cans, brush the dog, open sachets with different locks and take out treats to give to the dog, have the dog remove socks pulled over a hand, dog matching game, name body parts with different first letters, memory games.
We and Lotta look forward to meeting and maybe helping you soon.
If you have questions regarding the therapy practice at the MFZ Giesing, feel free to contact

Speech therapy
“The limits of my language are the limits of my world,” the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once said. Our speech therapists want to help our clients expand the limits of their world. This is why we offer speech therapy for individuals and in groups to promote language skills, speaking, reading, and writing.
“Languages of the world can be completely irrelevant as long as there is a hand and a heart to express the truly important things in life.” (Author unknown)
If spoken language cannot be used, we help you employ augmentative and alternative communication, such as signing, facial expressions, gestures, or help you apply for technical communication devices like a language computer. Language happens in everyday life. To use it, it must have a meaning, a goal and a purpose both for us and our clients. We want to enable our clients to continually rediscover their communication goals and to achieve language independence at a high level, aligning our common goals with their everyday life.

Our therapeutic offerings are directed both towards participants who live and work with us and towards external clients on the basis of a medical prescription for speech therapy.
Speech therapy offerings of the Stiftung ICP München, children’s domain
The Stiftung ICP München offers you the following speech therapies:
Eating therapy:
Treatment of dysphagias (difficulties in swallowing) based on Bobath and assistance in eating situations relevant for everyday life, plus counselling of parents and employees.
Individual therapy:
Children with multiple disabilities may experience complex speech and language disorders that can vary in their severity. Therefore, the following contents may form part of our therapy plan, which we will determine in collaboration with you:- Communication initiation
- Initiation of augmentative and alternative communication forms
- Treatment of impaired development of language skills, which often concerns:
- Understanding of language
- Vocabulary
- Retrieval of words
- Articulation
- Syntax
- Grammar
- Phonological awareness
- Acquisition of written language
- Treatment of myo-functional impairments which can impact food intake and articulation, among other things
- Therapy of speech disorders
- barely understandable sound language or absence of sound language
- Fluency of speaking (stutter/clatter)

Group Therapy:
In addition to individual therapy, we also provide assistance for language development in groups following the KIKUS concept in connection with augmentative and alternative communication activities.Speech therapy offering in the inclusive child development setting (IKF, daycare, nursery school, inclusive primary school)
In the day centres for inclusive child development (IKF), our therapists are happy to assist you with the following:
- Promote written language and reading
- Assistance and counselling on alternative communication aids (AAC), such as signing, communication boards, communication books, and electronic devices
- Build communication abilities with signing (signing-assisted communication, German Sign Language)
- Expand the active and passive vocabulary
- Increase grammar skills
- Promote the understanding of language
- Treatment of pronunciation disorders

If you have questions regarding our speech-therapy offering within the Stiftung ICP and the IKF, please feel free to contact:

Speech therapy at the MFZ Freimann
The speech-therapy department of the MFZ Freimann offers the following therapies in the form of individual or group therapies as well as counselling for family and/or parents for adults and children:
- Treatment of speech development disorders and speech development delays
- Treatment of pronunciation disorders
- Treatment of speech fluency (stutter/clatter)
- Swallowing therapy
- Aphasia therapy
- Dysarthria therapy
- Therapy for speech apraxia
- Voice therapy
- Augmentative and alternative communication

For questions regarding our therapy offering within the therapy practice in the MFZ Freimann, please contact:

Speech therapy at the MFZ Giesing
The speech-therapy department in the MFZ Giesing offers assistance in the following areas:
- Therapy
- of swallowing
- of semantics (vocabulary, word retrieval, etc.)
- of pronunciation and related areas (voice, breathing, prosody, etc.)
- Augmentative and alternative communication:
- counselling and application
- counselling for parents
- technical support
- integration of the assistive device into everyday life
- of the understanding of speech
- of reading and writing (on a computer and by hand)
- of auditive perception
- Counselling and assistance with difficulties in swallowing and food-intake in the residential group and support facility based on F.O.T.T. and PNF

For questions regarding our therapy offering within the therapy practice in the MFZ Giesing, please contact:

Therapy should be fun.
“We therapists want to make sure that clients have fun in therapy and like coming to see us. This is why we respond to our patients‘ wishes and try to inject variety and mainly fun into therapy.”
Magdalena Schlauch
Head of Therapy Practice MFZ Giesing
Therapy should be fun.
“We therapists want to make sure that clients have fun in therapy and like coming to see us. This is why we respond to our patients‘ wishes and try to inject variety and mainly fun into therapy.”
Magdalena Schlauch
Head of Therapy Practice MFZ Giesing